Montreal Weather June 2019 Celsius

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Over the next couple of days, temperatures will reach 30 degrees Celsius with In June , the Opal application won the Prix d'excellence du Ministère de la. El clima variable de Montreal incluye inviernos muy fríos, veranos calurosos y una primavera corta y fresca. Clima en Montreal: clima, estaciones y temperatura media mensual. centígrados); El mes más frío: enero, 18 grados Fahrenheit (-8 grados Celsius); Mes más húmedo: diciembre, 13 días. June 25, Weather station KTPA in TAMPA reports 78 degrees Fahrenheit and Broken Clouds. Winds from Pronóstico Mundial Celsius-KPH. Publicado en: June 12, Pronóstico mundial hasta las GMT del miércoles 12 de junio de . Montreal, Canadá;Más cálido;24;15;Algo más fresco;19;11;ENE;13;54%; 75%;3.

Obwohl ich noch in der Erholungsphase bin, schaue ich schon zum nächsten Höhepunkt. Das wird das Jedermannrennen im Rahmen der deutschlanddeinetour sein. Erst kommen die Profis bei mir in der Nähe vorbei und haben eine Etappenankunft ca. Wer wird von euch auch bei der Deutschlandtour am Start sein? However, the race organisers even had to cut this stage to Val Thorens montreal weather june 2019 celsius half as the Cormet de Roselend pass had a landslide. I spent the morning slogging my own way up the Val Thorens climb to get in position to see the gods of cycling come past.

I had to shelter halfway up from a thunder storm but thankfully the sun shone for when the pros came through around 4pm. It was gallant of G to play role of super domestique and pace make Egan Bernal up the final climb and to claim his overall Tour victory.

The speed at which the riders sped past me was truly frightening! Well done Team Ineos for finishing the job off so efficiently. Thanks to all riders, teams and organisers for putting on a magnificent Tour once more!

Today i took two cyclists pushing their limits to conquer their fears and tourmalet. Well done both of you!! Test Bike. Ich fahr', bis es in den Beinen sticht Mittelstreifen freihändig Fang' gar nicht erst zu denken an Und bis es mir den Atem nimmt.

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Thus the internal pressure of the parcel becomes greater relative to its surroundings and the parcel will tend to expand. To push away the surrounding air requires work and therefore energy. But the only energy available is the thermal energy of the parcel itself since montreal weather june 2019 celsius are assuming no exchange with the surroundingsthus as the parcel rises it cools.

If the parcel becomes saturated some vapour condenses into droplets thereby releasing latent heat L which reduces v the rate of cooling, but the value is not constant. In most of the applications in this book i. Eventually of course the parcel will cease to rise and will impart its heat by mixing with the air at that level.

The former is the rate at which a dry parcel will cool if it is moved upward through the atmosphere, and also the rate at which it will warm if it moves down towards the ground i. The ELR, on the other hand, is a measure of the actual temperature structure existing above a given location as sensed by thermometers at fixed heights on a mast, or attached to a balloon or an aircraft.

The temperature structure above a location is quite likely to exhibit variations in the ELR in different layers, some being lapse, some inversion and some isothermal. Atmospheric stability may be viewed as the relative tendency for an air parcel to move vertically.

It can be evaluated in a dry atmosphere by comparing the values of the actual ELR at any time against the constant rate?

First, select the level of interest, z1. In microclimatological applications we are usually interested in the stability of air near the ground, but in the examples which follow we will choose some other level so that we montreal weather june 2019 celsius illustrate the results of both upward and downward montreal weather june 2019 celsius.

Secondly, construct a line with slope? From the preceding discussion we know that any parcel displaced above below that level will cool warm according to? Third, when the displacing force is removed at any level the future motion of the parcel depends on its density relative to the environmental air at the same level, so we compare the two temperatures.

If the parcel is warmer than the air around, it will be less dense, possess buoyancy, and continue to rise unaided rather like the heated water at the bottom of a kettle. Conversely, if it is colder, and therefore denser than its surroundings, it will sink. If the air in the parcel and surrounding environment at the same level are identical, the parcel possesses no net buoyancy and will remain static.

The layer is therefore said to be unstable. The greater the value of ELR1 the greater is the divergence between the two lines and hence the greater the instability. Notice also that had the parcel originally been displaced below z1 it would always find itself colder than the environmental air, and if left alone would tend to continue sinking. Instability is therefore independent of the direction of displacement. The uneven line is measured temperature profile ELRand the broken, sloping line is a dry adiabat drawn through level z1 for details see text.

Arrows at right give visual impression of motion of a parcel displaced above z1. Motion would be a mirror image if displacement were downward. In this case a displaced parcel above z1 always finds itself colder than the environmental air and hence tends to sink back towards z1.

Equally if displaced below z1 it would find itself warmer and tend to rise back up to its equilibrium position. After displacement to any level above or below its initial position z1, the temperature of the parcel and of the air are the same.

Hence there will be no relative tendency for the parcel to rise or montreal weather june 2019 celsius, and if the displacing force is removed the parcel remains stationary. This situation occurs in the boundary layer under cloudy, windy conditions. Cloud restricts surface heating and cooling thereby minimizing the development of any horizontal temperature stratification, and wind helps to homogenize the temperature structure by vigorous mechanical convection.

We have seen that the temperature of parcels behaving adiabatically is related to pressure. In order to montreal weather june 2019 celsius parcels existing at different pressures levels in the atmosphere it is therefore useful to standardize conditions to a common pressure. The potential temperature of a parcel is the value it would have if it were at the arbitrary pressure value of kPa. Interpretation of stability now becomes montreal weather june 2019 celsius. It also shows that with fine weather it is normal for the planetary boundary layer to be unstable by day and stable by night.

Exceptions occur over high latitude snow surfaces in winter where the boundary layer is stable for long periods, and over tropical ocean surfaces where it may be unstable for equally long spells. It is also important to realize that the atmosphere is commonly made up of a number of layers of different stability. For example, the daytime convective boundary layer shown in Figure 2. This stable capping layer, which is almost impenetrable to air parcels rising from below, is extremely important because it effectively traps the heat, water vapour and pollutants released at the surface within the boundary layer.

Examples of stability changes due to a variety of atmospheric processes are given in Chapter 9. In the absence of strong thermal effects the depth of this frictional influence depends on the roughness of the surface Figure 2. The depth of this layer increases with increasing roughness. In light winds the depth zg also depends upon the amount of thermal convection generated at the surface. With strong surface heating zg is greater than in Figure 2.

This force is equally opposed by that exerted by the surface on the atmosphere. However since air is a fluid it only acts on the lower boundary and not throughout the total bulk of the atmosphere.

In e the profiles of b to d are re-plotted with a natural logarithm height scale. The momentum possessed by a body is given by the product of its mass and velocity. In the case of air the mean horizontal momentum of unit volume is therefore given by its density p multiplied by its mean horizontal wind speed i. Since for practical purposes we may consider air density to be constant in the surface layer see Appendix A3, p.

Consider the situation at level z3 in Figure 2. Due to the effects of forced convection generated by the surface roughness, and the mutual shearing between air layers moving at different speeds, turbulent eddies are continually moving up and down through z3. An eddy arriving at z3 having originated at z4 above will, upon mixing, impart a net increase in velocity and hence momentum. Notice that due to the increase of wind with height the net effect of both updrafts and downdrafts is always to sustain a net flux of momentum downwards.

In the turbulent surface layer this vertical flux of horizontal momentum is given: 2. Equation 2. The actual form of the wind variation with height under neutral stability p. Thus using the natural logarithm of height ln z as the vertical co- ordinate the data from Figure 2. This provides the basis for the logarithmic wind profile equation: 2.

It has been found that the shearing stress is proportional to the square of the wind velocity at some arbitrary reference height. The length z0 is a measure of the aerodynamic roughness of the surface. It is related, but not equal to, the height of the roughness elements. It is also a function of the shape and density distribution of the elements. Typical montreal weather june 2019 celsius of z0 are listed in Table 2.

This term is defined as the height at which the neutral wind profile extrapolates to a zero wind speed Figure 2. An alternative means of evaluation is given on p.

The foregoing discussion relates to neutral conditions where buoyancy is unimportant. Such conditions are found with cloudy skies and strong winds, and in the lowest 1 to 2 m of the atmosphere. Cloud reduces radiative heating and cooling of the surface; strong winds promote mixing and do not montreal weather june 2019 celsius strong temperature stratification to develop; and in the lowest layers forced convection due to frictionally-generated eddies is dominant.

In the simplest interpretation these eddies may be conceived as being circular Table 2. Wind inclination fluctuations at a height of 29 m during unstable upper trace and stable lower conditions over a grass site with winds of 3 to 4 ms-1 after Priestley, In reality they are three-dimensional and comprise a wide variety of sizes.

In unstable conditions the vertical movement of eddies and therefore the momentum flux is enhanced. Near the surface mechanical effects continue to dominate but at greater heights thermal effects become increasingly more important.

This results in a progressive vertical stretching of the eddies and a reduction of the wind gradient Figure 2. Conversely strong stability dampens vertical movement, progressively compresses the eddies and steepens the wind gradient Figure 2. Stability effects on turbulence are further illustrated in Figure 2. This is a graph of wind inclination roughly corresponding to vertical winds, because the scale refers to the tilt angle of a horizontal vane over a period of 3 minutes.

The upper trace is from lapse unstableand the lower trace from inversion stable conditions, over the same grass site with approximately equivalent horizontal wind speeds. Thus differences between the two traces are due to stability differences. In the unstable case two types of fluctuation are evident. These are relatively large buoyancy- generated eddies bursting up through the measurement montreal weather june 2019 celsius positive values or being replaced by sinking air parcels negative values.

Superimposed on this pattern are a second set of much shorter-period fluctuations. These are the small roughness-generated and internal shearing eddies. Therefore Figure 2. The combination of these two elements upper trace provides a very efficient means of both vertical transport and mixing. In summary we may say that below approximately 2 m the effects of forced convection dominate even in non-neutral conditions as long as there is a reasonable airflow.

Above this height the relative role of free convection grows and the possibility of stability effects on momentum transfer increases. These effects are manifested as curvature in the wind profile Figure 2.

Strong instability weakens the wind gradient by promoting vertical exchange over a deep layer, and thereby mixing the greater momentum of faster-moving upper air with that nearer the surface. Strong stability on the other hand strengthens the wind gradient. It therefore follows montreal weather june 2019 celsius since there is a characteristic diurnal cycle of stability there is an associated diurnal variation of wind speed in the surface layer see p. The study of momentum exchange and the form of the wind profile is important because of what it tells us about the state of turbulence.

This is central to questions concerning the transport of heat and water vapour and to the dispersal of air pollutants. The form of equation 2. The direction of the heat transfer sign of QH is determined by the sign of the temperature gradient. By day the gradient is negative lapse and Q H is positive montreal weather june 2019 celsius.

By night the gradient is positive inversion and Q H is negative. It is only of importance if the height interval is large e.

The vertical transfer of montreal weather june 2019 celsius heat by eddies can be visualized with the aid of Figure 2. This shows the variation of air temperature Tvertical velocity w and the associated instantaneous flux of heat over a period of s from fast-response instruments placed at a height of 23 m over a grass surface at Edithvale, Australia.

The data are from a daytime unstable period, and the vertical wind velocity pattern clearly resembles the upper trace of Figure 2.

Results from fast- H response instruments at a height of 23 m over grass in unstable conditions after Priestley, Thus in unstable conditions an updraft positive w is associated with an increase of T, and downdraft negative w with a decrease of T, relative to its mean value. This occurs because unstable conditions are associated with a lapse T profile, and an updraft through the measurement level has originated closer to the ground where it is warmer.

Conversely a downdraft comes from higher levels where it is cooler. For both situations up- and downdraft the net sensible heat transfer is therefore upwards.

montreal weather june 2019 celsius

The instantaneous heat flux lowest trace in Figure 2. Closer to the surface this pattern is less evident because of the greater influence of the frictionally-generated small eddies. The heat flux Q H given by equation 2. A similar set of observations under stable conditions would show that both w and T have traces similar in form to that of the lower trace in Figure 2.

The w and T fluctuations would tend to be in antiphase with each other due to the inverted T profile. Using similar reasoning to that for the unstable case it can be seen that both up- and downdrafts will tend to result in a net downward heat flux through the measurement level. Physical basis of boundary layer climates 61 Figure 2.

In neutral conditions the w trace would again only be composed of small forced convection fluctuations, but the T trace would show virtually no variation with time. This is because although eddies are moving through the measurement level they thermodynamically adjust their temperature during ascent or descent so that they are always at the same value as the mean environmental temperature.

The net heat flux is therefore zero. The diurnal surface temperature wave penetrates up into the atmosphere Figure 2. The upward migration of this wave is analogous to that in the soil Figure 2. There is however a considerable difference between the rates and distances travelled in the two media. In the soil these are controlled by the value of kHs equations 2. The latter is very much more efficient.

This explains why the air temperature wave in Figure 2. On an unstable afternoon surface heated air parcels may reach as high as 2 km. In our discussion we will progress from left to right through the profiles. At night profile 1 the surface radiation budget is negative due to long-wave emission and so the surface cools to a temperature below that of the air above, producing a ground-based radiation inversion.

This creates an montreal weather june 2019 celsius temperature gradient directed towards the surface, so that any air motion results in a downward sensible heat flux. Profiles: 1—before sunrise, 2—soon after sunrise, 3—midday, 4—near sunset. This profile is the same as those in Figures 2. Soon after sunrise the surface radiation budget becomes positive and the surface temperature rises. This generates an upward sensible heat flux which converges into only the lowest air layer because convective activity is suppressed by the existence of the radiation inversion above.

Hence profile 2 in Figure 2. Continued turbulent heat convergence into the lowest atmosphere successively erodes the montreal weather june 2019 celsius layer until by mid-morning it is eliminated.

Thereafter the convectively-driven mixed layer can more readily extend up through the overlying montreal weather june 2019 celsius.

By midday a lapse profile extends throughout a deep unstable layer profile 3 in Figure 2. Just before sunset profile 4the surface radiation budget turns negative and surface cooling re-establishes the radiation inversion in a shallow layer at the ground.

This cuts off the mixed layer from its source of heat and it collapses Figure 2. The preceding very idealized conditions are of course greatly modified by weather conditions, especially cloud cover and wind speed through their impact on radiation and turbulence respectively. In general increases of cloud and wind cause a reduction in the daily range of temperature lower maxima and higher minima and reduce extremes of stability more neutral. Instruments to measure surface, soil and air temperatures, and methods to calculate the turbulent sensible heat flux density, are given in Appendix A2.

There are many ways to express humidity. To avoid confusion we will restrict concern to two basic, and simply related, measures: vapour pressure and vapour density. Vapour density pv is one of the most basic ways of expressing the vapour content of air. It simply relates to the mass of water vapour molecules in a volume of air and therefore has units of kgm-3 or gm-3 to avoid very small numbers.

The vapour pressure e is a measure of the partial pressure exerted by water vapour molecules in the air. Typical values of vapour pressure are less than 4 kPa which is very small when compared to the 97 to kPa total atmospheric pressure P registered on weather maps.

Saturation is an important concept in humidity. A water-to-air vapour montreal weather june 2019 celsius will exist and molecules will diffuse into the air, thereby increasing the vapour density and vapour pressure. This progressively weakens the gradient and eventually an equilibrium is established where the molecules escaping to the air are balanced by those returning to the liquid.

If the temperature of the water is raised the kinetic energy of the molecules is increased, more are able to escape, and the saturation level is greater. For a plane surface of pure water the saturation humidity versus temperature relationship is very well defined. The figure and Appendix A3 also show that saturation values over an ice surface are slightly lower. The saturation humidity versus temperature relation is a very important one, especially when studying evaporation from water surfaces or condensation of water upon montreal weather june 2019 celsius.

Most of the time the atmosphere is not saturated, i.

Canada's inclement weather weekend

For many purposes it is useful or important to know how far the air is from being saturated. This can be expressed in many ways but we will restrict ourselves to two; they montreal weather june 2019 celsius to the two ways a sample can become saturated. First, if the temperature were held constant, but more vapour were added, the sample will eventually saturate. The amount of vapour necessary to achieve this is called the vapour montreal weather june 2019 celsius or density deficit, vpd or vdd respectively, i.

On the other hand, it is not a good measure to use to compare humidity at two very different locations because its definition equation 2.

Secondly, if the vapour content remained the same but the sample were cooled by removing heat, it will eventually become saturated. The corresponding curve for saturation vapour density is very similar.

In Figure 2. The dew-point temperature is very useful when considering condensation of fog or dewfall due to cooling. Evaporation from the surface passes through the laminar boundary layer according to equation 2. In the turbulent surface layer this mass flux is given by: 2. The energy required to vaporize the water is considerable p.

The exchange of moisture between the surface and the atmosphere determines the humidity, just as the sensible heat flux largely governs the temperature in the lowest layers. However, whereas heat is pumped into the air by day and returned to the surface by night, the flux of water is overwhelmingly upward. The evaporative loss is strongest by day, but often continues at a reduced rate throughout the night. Under certain conditions this loss may be halted and water is returned to the surface as dew, but in comparison with the daytime mass flow it is almost negligible.

The water put into the atmosphere is of course returned by the process of precipitation rather than by turbulence. By day the profile of vapour concentration lapses with height away from the surface moisture source Figure 2. Vapour is transported upwards by eddy diffusion in a process analogous to that for sensible heat. If the temperature T trace in Figure 2. In the morning hours the evapotranspiration of surface water dew, soil water, and plant water into a moderately unstable atmosphere adds moisture by flux convergence to the lower layers and the humidity increases quite sharply Figure 2.

By the early afternoon, although E is at a peak the humidity concentration drops slightly. This is the result of convective activity having penetrated to such heights in the boundary layer that the vapour concentration becomes diluted by mixture with descending masses of drier air from above.

This feature is best seen at continental or desert stations where regional air masses are dry, and surface heating is strong. The rural data in Figure 8. In the late afternoon surface cooling is strong and the lowest layers become stable. Thus the ability montreal weather june 2019 celsius transport vapour to higher layers is less than the rate at which it continues to be added from the surface.

Moisture converges into the lowest layers and a second humidity maximum is observed Figure 2. Thereafter evapotranspiration declines into the night period. Under certain conditions see below the vapour profile may become inverted near the surface Figure 2.

This depletes the moisture in the lowest layers and humidities decrease Figure 2. Instruments to measure humidity, and methods to calculate evapotranspiration, are presented in Appendix A2.

Radiative cooling at night may cause the surface temperature to fall below that of the contacting moist air. The process of dewfall is therefore a quasi-turbulent phenomenon requiring wind speeds to lie within a critical range. If the air is calm the loss of moisture to the ground cannot be replenished from more humid layers above and dewfall ceases. H The critical wind speed depends upon the roughness of the surface.

If the dew freezes, or if the vapour originally sublimates rather than condenses upon the surface, the deposit is called hoar frost. Radiation or ground fog is another humidity-related phenomenon observed on cloudless nights with light winds.

Note the fog is only about 5 m deep and thins around buildings. This may be due to their warmth or because radiative cooling is less where the sky is partially obscured see p. Physical basis of boundary layer climates 69 the result of a fine balance between radiative cooling and turbulent warming of an air layer volume near the surface.

The process is particularly aided if the air is humid and close to saturation in the evening, and if the air aloft is relatively dry. Under these conditions the montreal weather june 2019 celsius surface air layer has a strongly negative long-wave radiation budget because it radiates more energy than it receives from the colder surface beneath.

Similarly it emits more than it receives in its exchange with the air above because its vapour content gives it a greater emissivity. On cooling to its dew-point it becomes saturated and fog droplets develop.

The fog formation is aided by light winds which enhance the loss of sensible heat from the layer to the surface Qbut H beyond a certain limit increased winds thwart fog formation by increasing turbulent mixing which weakens the inversion strength and dilutes the moisture concentration. See Figure 2. Once a fog bank has formed the active radiating surface becomes the fog top and not the surface of the ground because the water droplets are almost full radiators for long-wave radiation p.

Radiation fogs usually linger for a few hours after sunrise, and can last all day aided by the high albedo of the fog top. Fog dissipation does not usually result from solar heating of the droplets, but by convection generated at the surface or by increased wind speeds. In both cases the mixing of the fog with drier air is the cause of its disappearance.

Other types of fog, formed by very different processes are explained on p. The relative importance of sensible versus latent heat is mainly governed by the availability of water for evaporation, although the relative strengths of the atmospheric heat and water vapour sinks are also important.

For example if an abnormally cold and moist air mass settles over a region it would strengthen the daytime surface-air temperature gradient, and diminish the vapour gradient.

Inspection of equations 2. The energy partitioning between QH and QE has direct relevance to boundary layer climates. This may be found over surfaces where water is to some extent limited. Since a majority of the heat being convected into the atmosphere is in the sensible form the climate is likely to be relatively warm.

This will not directly contribute to warming of the lower atmosphere, but may increase its humidity. Therefore the climate is likely to be relatively cool and moist. This is common at night when the sensible heat flux is downwards negativebut evaporation continues so that QE is away from the surface positive. Although we have montreal weather june 2019 celsius on the turbulent transport of heat, water vapour and momentum, other substances are also convected to and from the atmosphere.

For example the flux of carbon dioxide may be represented by the flux-gradient equation: 2. Similar relationships could be c 2 constructed for carbon monoxide, ozone, pollen, spores, dust, etc.

The major requirements are that the substances should be inert so that they do not decay quicklyand lightweight so that gravitational settling does not deplete the concentration.

The convective exchange of entities between a surface and the atmosphere can usefully be viewed as a simple analogue of the flow of current electrons in an electrical circuit due to the electrical potential across its ends and the resistance to this flow provided by the wire.

For some purposes it may be useful to use the reciprocal of resistance r-1 which is called the conductance. It can be shown Munn, that the value of r depends on the thickness of the layer concerned and its ability to transport the entity. Therefore r acts as the inverse of the molecular and eddy diffusion coefficients the? The diffusion coefficients represent the facilitating role of the system in transferring quantities, conversely the resistance represents the degree of hindrance to flow.

This electrical analogy is helpful in simplifying some calculations and it helps aid discussion between atmospheric scientists, physiologists and engineers because they are all familiar with this approach. It is commonly used in relation to leaves and vegetation communities, animals including humansbuildings and air pollution deposition. The diffusion of entities can be represented in the same manner as an electrical circuit diagram and the same rules apply.

The former can be used to characterize transport through a number of layers, e. The latter could be used to sum the heat loss from various pathways out of the house, e. The electrical analogy can even be extended to include capacitors in the circuitry to montreal weather june 2019 celsius the role of heat or mass stores.

This montreal weather june 2019 celsius a matter of great debate in micrometeorology. Nevertheless, it is reasonably accepted to say that all other things being equal, the transfer coefficients for heat and mass are reasonably similar but the case for momentum is different see also pp. As noted in relation to Figure 2. The arrows in a indicate times of sunrise and sunset. Sharp changes in these profiles occur at the top of the mixed layer where a capping inversion often halts the upward transport of surface effects.

These are rising masses of warm air. The sequence in Figure 2. It starts as an area of especially warm air at the surface. Favoured sites which act as sources for thermals are relatively dry areas bare soil, rock, asphalt or sands and Sun-facing slopes.

The hot air forms a flattened bubble until the instability becomes sufficient to cause it to start to rise. Whereupon it contracts, becomes more spherical and lifts off. The thermal grows in size as it rises due to the entrainment of surrounding air.

The action is similar to that of a smoke-ring as the thermal seems to be continually trying to turn itself inside out. The size of the thermal depends on the dimensions of the source area, and the rate of rise upon the degree of instability. Initially the velocity increases but at greater heights it slows down due to the mixing with cooler air and increasing drag due to its size.

The thermal ceases to rise because i it has lost buoyancy by mixing, ii its moisture condenses into cloud and the extra turbulence due to the release of latent heat causes even greater mixing or because iii it reaches an inversion.

If surface winds are moderate a surface hump can act as a trigger for thermals in the manner shown in Figure 2. This may spawn a series of thermals which drift downstream and may become visible as a line of cumulus clouds.

Hills and islands often play this role. If the windward slope is oriented favourably with respect to direct-beam solar radiation its surface heat may be the source of semi-continuous columns of thermals. The intervening, and larger, areas are occupied by subsiding air. Together they form Bénard convection cells as shown in Figure 2. If in the morning and evening, when convection is less vigorous, the surface wind speed is in excess of about 6ms-1 the cells may become organized into roll structures aligned parallel to the wind.

If cloud forms at the top of the uplift zone between two adjacent rolls the cumulus clouds form into lines known as cloud streets Figure 2. There is also the possibility that the cloud pattern reinforces the roll structure by creating alternating strips of shade and sunlight on the ground. The formation of a layer of cumulus clouds just above the condensation level can raise the moisture concentration gradually to the point where the whole layer becomes saturated and stratus layer cloud forms.

Similarly, if moist thermals are stopped rising by an inversion, stratus cloud or a montreal weather june 2019 celsius layer can form at the top of the mixed layer.

montreal weather june 2019 celsius

This may significantly affect the transmission of solar radiation to the ground and dampen convective activity. Physical basis of boundary layer climates 75 largely dependent upon the strength of any capping inversion and the stability of montreal weather june 2019 celsius air above the planetary boundary layer.

In the evening when radiative cooling begins, and the surface sensible heat flux density becomes negative, the surface-based radiation inversion begins to grow in depth and cuts off the mixed layer from its source of heat and buoyancy Figure 2. Turbulence in the mixed layer decays, only roughness-generated turbulence persists near the surface, and the surface vertical profiles of temperature and humidity reverse sign because the surface is now a sink for heat and, to a lesser extent, water vapour Figure 2.

The wind profile may exhibit a wind maximum located near the top of the inversion. This is known as the low-level nocturnal jet. It arises because the stability of the surface inversion decouples the air above it from the frictional influence of the surface. The depth of the inversion and the turbulent layer are not necessarily synonymous. Montreal weather june 2019 celsius very weak winds and clear skies, increasing stability chokes off turbulence in the upper portion of the inversion and the mechanical mixing is restricted to an even thinner layer.

The degree of coupling between the surface and the rest of the boundary layer varies through the day and is responsible for the commonly observed diurnal variation of wind speed Figure 3. During the daytime vertical coupling is excellent montreal weather june 2019 celsius the momentum of faster-moving upper air is easily transported downward and mixed into the surface layer. This contributes to high wind speeds.

At night poor coupling prevents this process, so wind speeds slacken. The drop in wind speed around sunset is often very noticeable. Air motion is of course a vector quantity possessing both magnitude speed and direction. At the top of the planetary boundary layer the effects of montreal weather june 2019 celsius friction are absent so the wind is dictated by the strength and orientation of the horizontal pressure gradient force. The force, and therefore the speed, varies inversely with the isobar spacing on the weather map.

This is the gradient wind speed at the height z in Figure 2. Because the g Earth rotates, the gradient wind direction is not, as we might anticipate, from high to low pressure but almost parallel to the isobars. The Coriolis force causes the deflection to the right of the intended path in the Northern, and to the left in the Southern, Hemisphere. As the surface is approached, friction reduces the wind speed Figure 2. This alters the balance of forces, and the wind direction changes so that it cuts the isobars at an increasingly large angle the nearer it is to the surface.

In the Northern Hemisphere the direction changes in an anti-clockwise manner, referred to as backing in the Southern Hemisphere it would turn clockwise, called veering.

Over typical land surfaces the surface 10 metre level wind is backed by about 30 to 40 degrees, from the gradient wind direction. Over water bodies it is closer to 15 degrees. Therefore, as air flows from one surface to another of different roughness both the speed and direction are changed see Chapter 5.

Further, since stability affects the vertical transport of momentum its variability can also affect the wind direction. It should be appreciated that the evening collapse of the mixed layer does not mean that the lid physically pushes down. Pollutants that are diffused throughout the daytime mixed layer do not get squeezed down near montreal weather june 2019 celsius surface.

montreal weather june 2019 celsius

They remain suspended in the weakly turbulent vestigial mixed layer until transported out horizontally, or removed by settling or precipitation, or transformed chemically. In keeping with the rest of our discussions to this point the preceding only relates to horizontal, spatially-uniform terrain in fine weather. In Chapter 5 we will relax the terrain constraint.

The effects of increased cloud and wind tend to mute the slope of vertical profiles and the day-to-night variations shown here. Naturally short-term changes in synoptic conditions will disrupt the temporal patterns. Part II Natural atmospheric environments In this part of the book we consider the boundary layer climates associated with a montreal weather june 2019 celsius range of natural surfaces and systems. The text is organized in a progression from relatively simple surfaces to more complex systems.

Thus we start with environments where the surface is relatively flat, uniform in character and extensive e. Then we consider systems where this straightforward situation is complicated by the fact that the surface is semi-transparent to radiation e. Next we introduce a layer of vegetation between the soil and the atmosphere, and then the complicating effects of sloping and hilly terrain, and the advective interaction between the climates of adjacent contrasting surfaces.

Finally in this part we consider the climates of animals. These represent some of the most complex climatic systems because they are able to move from one environment to another, and they carry with them their own internal energy supply metabolic heat. In each case we initially evaluate any special properties of the surface montreal weather june 2019 celsius system volume not previously discussed. Then we examine the cycling of energy and water typically encountered i.

The simple case of a bare soil surface was discussed in some detail in Chapter 2 and little further will be said here; however it is important to realize that significantly different climates exist montreal weather june 2019 celsius relation to different soils.

Probably the most important variables governing these differences are the soil albedo controlling short-wave radiation absorption ; the soil texture determining the porosity and therefore the potential soil, air and water contents, that in turn control the thermal properties of the soil ; and soil moisture availability governing montreal weather june 2019 celsius partitioning of sensible and latent heat, and the thermal response of the soil.

To illustrate some of these relationships consider the case of a dry peaty soil. Peat has high porosity and hence when dry contains a lot of air.

As a result it has a very low diffusivity, as low as that of fresh snow Table 2. The albedo of peat is also somewhat extreme, being rather low in comparison with other soils. Thus on a sunny day a dry peaty soil is a good absorber of solar energy, but it is not well suited to transmit this heat to deeper soil layers.

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